Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Episode 7: Sunscreen Body Paint

So far this week has been pretty tough.  Between pin worms and terrible two's it feels like I cannot catch a break.  This week's stress level is probably at at 9 on a 1 - 10 scale.

Khloe was finally able to start her new A.D.H.D. medicine after fighting with Wal-Mart's pharmacy and switching to two more pharmacies after that.  Apparently Wal-Mart was running it as a generic and her insurance wouldn't approve it.  But we finally got it figured out and swapped pharmacies two times due to them not having it in stock.  The new medicine seems to be working really well for her.  Her teacher actually stopped me today in the car rider line to tell me how great Khloe has been since starting it and how focused she is.  So that's a GREAT thing.

She turns SEVENNNNNN in eight days.  I am pretty much freaking out.  It seems like just yesterday I was bringing my baby girl home from the hospital.  She is super excited about her birthday party!  She has invited EVERY kid in her class and is having an emoji themed party!  I am making a heart eyes emoji cake with poop emoji cupcakes per her request!

Tonight we attempted to practice Khloe's spelling words in the living room but Max kept bothering her and it was really distracting.  So after fighting for around 10 minutes we decided to move to her bedroom and lock Max out.  I told Daddy to watch him but he apparently was tuning me out.  I had to send Khloe out to get a pen and hear her scream, "MAXXXXX!!! Daddy, Max got in to your sunscreen!"  I stayed where I was and had Khloe come back in.  When we came out from finishing her work I see the floor and his chair covered in sunscreen.  It was terrible.  But, Daddy learned the lesson of not tuning me out!

Monday, in a FaceBook group that I am in I decided to stand up for a friend by commenting on a thread that she was being attacked in.  I won't get in to full detail but after her being attacked and me saying what I felt needed to be said we ended up being called "retarded."  Now, I have a special needs cousin, a child with A.D.H.D., suffer myself with mental health issues, and know a lot of special needs people, some of which I hold very near and dear to my heart.  I was really offended by this.  The person who called us that saw no issue with using this word and continued to verbally assault both my friend and I.  Later on on the thread a mother, who said her child was special needs, backed up the woman calling us that word and said in her opinion it is not a bad word.  This really saddened me.  I will end up doing a whole post about this subject sometime this week.  I am compiling facts and studies and what not.  But, with that being said, if you believe the words retard, retarded, sped, or anything of the sort is okay then please educate yourself.

That is all I have for the time being.  I am beyond exhausted and ready to curl up in bed and drift off into dream land.

Happy dreaming folks!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Buggin out!

It is school time so that means dreaded contagious things such as flu, colds, lice, or pink eye.  It is always something when you have school aged children, unless you are truly blessed and lucky!  We've had our run in with all sorts of stuff.  In preschool Khloe got the flu, numerous colds, and scabies.  Yes, the dreaded scabies.  In kindergarten, well actually a few weeks prior to it starting, she ended getting lice.  That was literally a nightmare to get rid of.  Well this year we were introduced to something we have never really heard of and never known anyone to have it, well if they did we were never told. 

Pin worms. 

Friday night, while shopping at Target, Khloe needed to use the bathroom.  Upon exiting the bathroom she says to me, "Mom!  There was worms in my poop!"  She had, of course, already flushed the toilet so I figured she was making up a story, she's really good at story telling.  So I shrugged it off but told her next time she goes to please show me these worms.  Sure enough Sunday she calls me in to inspect her poop... and there they were... FREAKING WORMS!  I was in complete and utter shock!  She thought they were cool.  So off to the doctor we went first available appointment on Monday. 

From what I got from the doctor, pin worms are extremely common and even more extremely contagious, especially in children.  They can be breathed in through our air, picked up by touching something another infected person had touched, basically if it is around you you're probably going to get it.  I thought at first it was because of hygiene, and sometimes that can contribute to getting them but its not fully the cause.  They can get worse and spread and never go away due to hygiene but even the cleanest of person could get them.  It takes just one time of breathing one of those suckers in and bam! you got worms.  

The treatment was simple, a dose of a banana flavored liquid and washing of all bedding, floors, toilets, clothes, and bodies every days for the next few weeks.  Everyone in the household had to be treated, even though she was the only one with symptoms.  I've spent the last day scrubbing the absolute crud out of my house.  If there were any worms today they are dead now.  But, I will start all over tomorrow and every day following for at least two weeks.  Needless to say my house will be the cleanest its ever been for two weeks and our water bill will go up considerably! 

I swear if its a bug and likes human hosts we will get it. 

If you suspect you or a loved one may have pin worms feel free to click here for more information on symptoms and treatments.  

Here's a funny meme... it kind of relates since lice suck just as bad, maybe worse, than pin worms. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Tooth Fairy

In our house we get visits from the Tooth Fairy when a tooth is lost.  Khloe has lost a good bit of teeth in the past year or so, I do believe its a total of five or six. 

Tonight, while at dinner, she bit down on a chicken finger and started squealing, in pain, and saying her tooth was coming out.  After some begging, and Daddy calling me a wimp, I reluctantly pulled it.  Am I the only one that gets the heebie geebies when touching things like teeth?  I hope not!  Anyway, with a slight tug her tooth came out!  Right there in the middle of Hardee's!  She was super excited that she would get visited by the Tooth Fairy tonight.  But this is where issues start.

The tooth that came out was pretty nasty.  She was eating when it was lost but this was beyond food grossness.  We have been having issues with her brushing her teeth lately and no matter how much we try she just doesn't brush her teeth very well.  I try really hard to watch her while brushing and assisting her with proper techniques but with multiple children sometimes its not always possible, especially in the mornings.  I think mornings are probably where she slacks of the most.  I have to get her up, do her hair, get her dressed, wake up Daddy, lay his clothes out (I try to do this in the evenings but I forget a lot), make breakfast for both of them, get all of their stuff ready to go, and wake Max up.  So as you see sometimes, most times, its hard to stay on her in the morning with all the running around and stuff I have to do. 

We talked to her about how it isn't only gross to not brush your teeth but completely necessary to brush them at least twice a day, and do a good job at it, because if you don't  your teeth will get sick and possibly fall out.  Daddy explained how bad his teeth were and how he really doesn't want hers to be like his.  He explained how the teeth falling out are making room for her new teeth and that if they fall out new ones will not grow in their places.  I wasn't convinced this really sunk in and registered in her brain at all.  So I took things into my own hands. 

Well, not my hands but the Tooth Fairy's hands.  I spoke with Mrs. Fairy and explained to her the situation and she agreed to help out.  So tonight when she visits she will leave a note, with a single dollar (which is the going rate in our household for any tooth after the first one or ones lost on birthdays).  She sent me a picture of the note, which I will put down below, but please don't judge Mrs. Fairy for she is extremely busy and did the best she could! 

Hopefully Khloe's love of money will put some pep in her step and cause her to really get brushing.  We are also planning a visit to the dentist soon.  I think that will help too!  Wish us luck! 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Episode 6: The Squished Tomatoe

Khloe got on pink yesterday!  Her teacher has a color coordinated behavior board and pink is the best of the best!  Oh and she is still un-medicated due to insurance issues.  So this is HUGE for her!  She has her spelling test this morning and I'm not so sure she will ace this one.  She was having issues with "out" even tho it was on last week's list of words and she aced that test.  She, also, sat down and read me a book on Wednesday.  She needed help with a few "big" words, like biscuit and basket, but all in all did a majorly impressive job!  Y'all I'm over the moon with her success if y'all can't tell!
Max had been excelling at his toddler studies as well.  I've been working on his color and animal recognition.  He can sort his Hot Wheels by color using a sheet of paper I colored in individual blocks with different colors.  He loves to learn. 

If I have to watch one more episode of "The Little Einsteins" I will scream.  I'm so sick of pat pat patting.  I cannot, for the life of me, understand why the heck Rocket turns into a boat to get across the river when he can fly!  I know it supposedly helps with imagination but holy cow is it annoying. 

My living room currently has the smell of tomatoes wafting through it.  As much as I love me some 'maters, I do not like their smell.  Why does my living room smell like tomatoes you ask?  Well, because Max decided to take one out of the bowl on the counter and bring it in to the living room to make juice on our floor.  I love how his mind works but sometimes the actions and outcomes are a bit mess, and in this case stinky. 

I cannot remember if I have mentioned our cats yet.  Anyway, we have two, Marmalde and Toast.  Marmalade, or often referred to as fat cat, was originally my mother-in-loves cat but when she came to visit last thanksgiving Marmalade stayed becoming my favorite child.  Toast was found abandoned with all her brothers and sisters by a lady on a Facebook buy sell page.  I saw her picture and knew that was my new baby.  I wasn't looking for another pet at all but something about her screamed "I'm a Davis!"  Toast is now Max's kitty.  They cuddle, she lets him carry her around in the most uncomfortable positions, and she comes to him for love.  Marmalde was originally Khloe's when she came to love with us but has since then decided she doesn't care for Khloe that much.

Currently Toast is laying on the back of our over sized chair swatting Max's head.  I'm not entirely sure why but that is probably because I'm a dumb human in her eyes. 

Max decided it was a fabulous idea to take one of his chairs and use it as a ladder to try to get down a sweater hanging in his closet.  He wasn't completely successful, I had to get it down for him, but he didn't fall! He, also, uses his tiger rocking horse thing in the same way to get a book or his choochoo off of his dresser.  Boys are dare devils! 

This is what I am making for lunch today.  Is it just me or do they look like they don't have any idea of what is about to happen to them?  I feel kind of bad putting them in the oven and then eating them.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


No matter how much sleep I get I am always exhausted.  I feel like I am running on fumes, shoot the fumes of the fumes.  My house isn't staying as clean as I'd like it to be, my laundry is piling up, and my dishes, don't start me on those.  By 8pm every night my eyes are burning and I start yawning up a storm.  I feel like I've lost my way when it comes to being a stay at home mommy. 

I like to keep my house clean, well cleanish.  I keep it company ready for the most part.  If you were to walk in my house at any given time things should be decent.  There might be dishes drying, we don't have a dishwasher... I wish I had one so bad, a few toys scattered on the living room floor, and a cup or two here and there but all in all I'd like to say its clean.  Maybe not spotless but I promise you wont mind drinking from my cups or sitting on my toilet. 

Here lately there's more than a few toys in the living room, there's constantly dirty dishes in the sink, and I am pretty sure there is a ghost or little monster that keeps putting trash on my side tables and counter tops. 

I always have one load left to do of laundry.  It's a never ending cycle, especially since my husband switched jobs and no longer has a uniform service where they wash his uniforms.  I have to wash clothes at least twice a week to keep him, and my house, from smelling nice.  And by twice a week I mean at least two loads each time.  Khloe seems to be wearing three outfits a day, or at least that's what her laundry hamper is leading me to believe.  Which is boggling my mind because we have a system where every Sunday I put out five outfits, underwear and socks included, so that she does not have to touch her clothes except for pajamas.  The same monster or ghost that is leaving trash around my house must also be taking her clothes and hiding them in her toy box. 

Last school year I got to take everyone to their respected places, we only have one vehicle, and got to come home and go back to sleep.  But this year Max is not having any of that.  He is wide eyed and bushy tailed as soon as I strap him in his car seat before we leave.  And he continues to be that way until its time to go to wait in the car rider line at Khloe's school.  That is his nap time and mommy's reading time.

My house has nothing but hard wood and tile floors.  I thought I'd love these floors, thought they would be easy to keep clean because I could just wipe up spills.  Yeah, no.  That is so not the case.  There is always something to sweep up or mop up.  The cats have left a thin coating of hair EVERYWHERE and Max leaves a trail of crumbs. 

I am ready for a break.  A nice, kid free, relaxing break.  And I am getting one!  In a month Daddy and I will set out on an anniversary trip to Gulf Breeze, Florida for the weekend.  I am beyond excited.  We haven't had a whole weekend to ourselves in Lord knows how long.  I am ready to have my hiney in the sand and a cold beer in my hand!  We definitely could not have been able to do this without my awesome mother-in-love, yes you read that correctly I am one of the lucky ones to be blessed with an awesome mother-in-law.  She really is amazing.  Y'all I could literally brag about her all day.

Daddy got blessed with a pretty good mother-in-law as well... but I am a bit biased about her since she is my mother.  I'm pretty sure she is where I get my strength from. 

Hopefully our trip will revive me and reset my decent housewife button.  Hopefully Daddy loves it.  He is knows nothing of the trip.  He knows we have his mom watching the children and that I am planning something but he is in the dark about us going to the beach.  Like I said I couldn't have done it without my mother-in-love.  She is a great accomplice.

For now I will continue to run on fumes and struggle getting through the day without falling asleep.  At least I have my trusty side kick, Coffee!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Episode Five: Bad Mommy!

I've been called "bad mommy" plenty of times since I've had kids.  I've been called it by my kids, my husband (during those intense fights that couples have sometimes where you do not mean what you say), family members, and so-called friends.  Nothing hurts worse than being called a bad mommy.  Regardless of the situation or the context of it, it still hurts.

Today the toddler has taken to calling me "bad mommy" anytime he gets upset or disapproves of something I do or say.  It's been more annoying than hurtful but after a full day of hearing it I've started to let it get to me.  I know I shouldn't but maybe this kid is on to something.  Am I doing something I shouldn't?  Am I being too hard on him?  After all he is only two.  

Just as I get to the point this after noon that I feel like I am going to break down and really feel hurt he looks at me and says "love you mommy all my heart."  That's when it hits me.  I am not a bad mommy today.  He is just being a brat.  And he still loves me more than anyone in the whole world.  

This is how my day is going put into a meme!

Brag moment.  We got the results back from our six year old's spelling test!  She got all questions correct!  Not only did she ace her spelling test but she also aced a math test.  I, also, received a phonics and high frequency quiz which she scored a 16/20.  She only missed the 4 because she has a bit of dyslexia when it comes to 'd' and 'b'.  She also brought home a reading comprehension test, of course she got all of them correct.  I am beyond proud of Khloe!  I am glad her A.D.H.D. doesn't hold her back at all.  She still succeeds in school and thrives socially.  

My kids are currently running around the house playing dog pound.  Khloe is the dog catcher and Max is the dog.  I have a gut feeling someone will end up hurt but its nice to see them playing together without crying or screaming.  But I will admit all the barking and running around makes it awfully hard to type and stay focused!  

What would you all like to see more in this blog?  It is great writing about my little crazies and they give me plenty to write about but would y'all like to see other things?  Like meal planning tips, recipes, and living on an extreme budget tips?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Comment below any and all tips, thoughts, and even if you just want to say hi!  Feel free to follow me, as well, on here so you don't miss a posting!   

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Questions answered by a six year old.

I found this questionnaire thing off of Pinterest.  If you want to do this too here is the link to where I got it.  So I sat down with our six year old, Khloe, and had her give me her answers.  

Here it is:  

  1. What do you think is in outer space? Stars and planets.
  2. Where is the most wonderful place you've ever been? Uh, Florida.
  3. What are you good at? I am good at... doing art!
  4. What's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? Uh... mmm... I love you all my heart.
  5. What are you most proud of? I'm most proud of getting an art award.
  6. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Uh... skip school.
  7. What is the worst smell in the world? Dead deer and trash.
  8. What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist and a makeup artist and a fashionista.
  9. What makes you cry? Getting a spanking and someone hurting my feelings.
  10. Where do babies come from? Uhhhh.... private spot... hooha.
  11. Where there dinosaurs on Noah's ark? Uh. Yes. There is dinosaurs everywhere.
  12. What are you scared of? I am scared of scary movies and tornado's and water tornado's.
  13. If you could, what two animals would you combine? An owl and a cheetah.
  14. Who is your hero? My mommy.
  15. What is your favorite song? Don't wake me up.
  16. What is a friend?  A friend is someone who treats you nice and cares about you.
  17. What is your favorite memory?  Going to Florida.
  18. If you could, what type of animal would you be?  Cheetah because I like to run.
  19. Who is your best friend?  Camble and Emma.
  20. What is your favorite thing to do with family?  To go out and spend time at the beach.
  21. What is the most important rule? No killing people.
  22. If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?  Clothes, food, toys, gas, saving peoples lives and giving them food.
  23. Why do people get old?  Because they need to die.
  24. What is love?  Caring about people.
  25.   If you could live n a house shaped like anything, what would it be? A heart.
  26. If your pet could talk what would it say?  "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
  27. If you had super powers, what would they be?  Running fast and scratching and being cat girl.
  28. What's the best thing about being a kid?  Getting toys, bossing my toys around, and going swimming.
  29. Why do people have different color skin?  Because if everybody had the same skin nobody would be different at all.
  30. Who is someone in history you'd like to be friends with and why?  Jesus because he made us and he loves us and he cares about us.
  31. What makes you happy when you're sad?  Singing a good song.
  32. Do you have a lucky number?  What is it?  150,000.
  33. If you could be president for the day, what would you do?  Tell everybody to sleep in!
  34. What is something you don't understand about grownups?  Why they yell all the time and tell me all food is spicy. 
  35. What is the greatest thing ever invented?  Motorcycles!
  36. Have you ever played a joke on someone?  What was it?  Yes! Uh I don't know, did I ever do a joke one somebody?  I think I did a joke on my friend before like I had Justin Beiber logos but after school I told her I didn't. 
  37. What do you think is the most important appliance or piece of furniture in your house is?  Refrigerator.
  38. What is your favorite word?  Why?  I don't have a word.
  39. If you had your own country, what would it be called?  Um. Cheetah world.
  40. What do you dream about when you sleep?  Tornado's.
  41. If you were in a band, what instrument would you play?  The guitarrrrrr.
  42. What's something you'd like to learn how to do?  Doing back flips and being good.
  43. If you had to give away all of your toys but one, which would you keep?  None of them.
  44. What do you think Heaven is like?  Being good, no weapons, everybody loving us.
  45. What is something that you're thankful for?  For giving me life.
  46. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do?  Back flips.
  47. Do you think that telling the truth is always right? Even if it hurts someone's feelings?  Yes, you have to tell the truth.
  48. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?  Telling me what to do.
  49. Whats the greatest thing about being you?  Picking out my own clothes and doing art.
  50. What are 3 words you would use to describe your family?  Loving, caring, and crazy. 
After dong this with her I realized just how much she loves Jesus and how sweet she is.  I've always known she is sweet but holy cow her answers melted my heart.  

When our oldest, Emma, comes to visit next month I'll make sure to sit down with her and get her answers as well.  

I hope y'all are all having a great weekend!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Episode Four: The case of the missing cheese balls.

This week seems like it has flown by.  I think its because of school.  During the summer we sleep in and probably become more lazy than we should be.  Now we are forced to wake up early and go to bed early.  The day is full of activities and chores.  There is no freedom to do what we please during the school year.  But when its all really put in to perspective I prefer the school year.  It gives me purpose.  I don't sleep well past when I should and my house stays in better order.  

Last night, as I helped prep for this weeks upcoming spelling test, I realized that our first grader is probably smarter than I am.  Thankfully she doesn't have the common sense to use it in her advantage yet.  But when she realizes this I am screwed.  She has ten spelling words, yeah she knew a few before this week but there were a few that she got hung up on.  Does, has, and not were new to her.  Does was the big issue.  It was also the only four letter word on the list.  This kid got it tho.  She begged each night this week for extra homework.  Who does that?  All that extra work paid off tho.  I bet she made a 100 on the test this morning.  I'll edit this with an update when I get the results back! 

This is what one of her homework assignments were this week.  She came up with the sentences all on her own and only had to help with spelling the word "okay" because well when you sound the word out, lets be honest, you don't think there is an "ay" at the end.

The toddler has been busy toddling this morning.  The terrible two's are in full force as they were yesterday.  He is a nudest and when he does wear clothes he decides that sister's clothes are the perfect attire.  Yesterday he sported her yellow school shirt and her sandles for the majority of the morning.  This morning he donned his Thomas the Train pj's and cowboy boots but as of now he has lost the pj's and kept the boot part.  Isn't he adorable?

Speaking of naked I just had to stop typing this to see what was wrong with his "peeis."  A naked little boy climbed up on to the sofa beside me and pulled his penis as far as he could and with a concerned voice said "peeis ook get it!"  Which is translated into "penis look get it" which means apparently he got something stuck on it.  I'm pretty sure it was super soft fuzzy blanket fuzz.  But I didn't really want to look that closely into it after I picked the fuzz off.  Boys are so weird.  What is with them and their penis'?  

As a parent I question the majority of what my children do.  Like why in the heck do they insist on pointing out the painful things, like "Mommy why are you so fluffy?" and "Mommy you look weird go put on makeup."  Or what about their tendency to make huge messes?  How in the world can they destroy something so stinking fast?  I cleaned my house yesterday before school got out, and by clean I mean CLEANNNNN, and within ten minutes of both kids being in the house you couldn't tell I did anything.  There is currently something spilled all over the kitchen table and little boy clothes, that don't get worn, scattered all over the living room.  Another thing, what is it with little girls and their emotions?  Is it just my daughter or do they all freak out over the smallest things, like the wrong bow in their hair or not getting the correct amount of chocolate milk in their cups?  

This morning, along with the nakedness and penis problems,  we had a huge issue.  The cheese balls, which is the only thing wanted for breakfast, were missing.  We have a huge container of cheese balls that is about the size of our toddler and they normal are kept on the counter next to the stove.  This morning they were gone.  I knew there was no way they were all eaten so that means they had to have been put someplace other than where they belonged.  Max wasn't thrilled he had to wait on his morning cheese dosage.  He protested with screaming like a wild banshee and begging for "cee bawls."  I gave up on my hunt almost as soon as I started because I don't condone the behavior he was showing because he wasn't getting his way.  I gave him cocoa puffs instead and that wasn't okay with him.  He ended up finding the cheese balls.  Someone, and I'm guessing it was Daddy, put them on top of the fridge.  I'm confused by the fact I did not see them up there but I'm blaming it on the fact that this was all before my first cup of coffee.   

This weekend I am going to work on a questionnaire with our daughter.  It has fifty or so questions that are suppose to be fun and result in some funny answers.  It should be posted Sunday night or Monday day. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Episode Three: Attack of the water bug!

Today, even tho its only 4:33pm (I actually finished this entry around 7:45pm though), has been one of the craziest so far this week... And its only Wednesday! 

It all starts in our bed around 1am.  I had just dozed off when the kitten jumps on our bed using my arm and her own personal pull up bar.  I had been asleep for maybe five minutes or so when I felt something on my arm.  It felt sort of like a cats whiskers rubbing against me so I went to push her away without opening my eyes.  Well to my surprise there was no cat, just me swatting at thin air.  But the feeling was still there!  I imitatively started freaking out and brushing off whatever was causing the feeling all without opening my eyes.  There had been a huge water bug on our wall earlier before bed that despite my efforts got away so I figured that was what it was and went back to sleep.  About ten minutes go by when all of a sudden Daddy jumps out of bed making gagging noises.  When he returned to our room I was fully awake.  I asked what had happened and this was the conversation:

Me: What is going on?!?!
Daddy: I can still taste it!!!!
Me: What?!?! What do you taste?
Daddy:  I chewed on it, I thought it was dip.  It was a roach!  I chewed a roach!
Me:  Yeah that water bug got me too a little bit ago!
Daddy: I can still taste it!
Me: What did it taste like?
Daddy: Not bad, like dirt.  I chewed it for a while.  I thought it was dip.  It crawled out of my mouth and all over my face! That's what woke me up.
Me: Laughing histarically.
Daddy: Bugs beware I will chew you up for a while!

He goes on to making spit noises and pretending to spit it out of his mouth even tho it was no longer there and gagging.  Oh and the bug was still alive even after he chewed it up.  He spit it on to the floor as he jumped out of bed so he got to chase it down and flush his mouth intruder. 

This morning I had errands to run.  So after dropping off our six year old at school and Daddy off at work the toddler and I return home so I can take a shower and get ready to be seen in public.  I remember a time where showers were done solo and warmly.  I haven't had a nice solo shower without any interruptions in what seems like forever.  Today's shower included a toddler climbing in, taking my body wash and squirting it all over the shower floor, him slipping on the soap, crying, then insisting on poking my butt and thighs, and because he was previously breastfed until he was twenty three months old he is boobie obsessed and tried his damnedest to nurse again but failed! 
After the shower we went to his favorite place, Wal-Mart.  He decided that me being at the money center counter paying a bill was the perfect time to wiggle out of my death grip and dart off to the candy and grab a bag of "fish."  Swedish fish are his absolute favorite candy.   Other than that though the trip was a breeze, as well as our Target trip. 

A return home and some straightening up of the house and some lunch was all it took to exhaust him.  Before I knew it he was passed out on the living room floor.  He even stayed asleep for me to move him into the car, pick up his sister, and finally woke up when we got back home. 

This afternoon I had a visit from the cheese monsters!  They were friendly and showered me in kisses and filled the room with giggles.  These monsters wear baby bell netted bags as hats and cram their mouths full of whatever type of cheese they can find.  At some point of their visit the smallest one had two baby bell cheeses in his mouth. 
My kids LOVEEEEEEEEE cheese.  String cheese, baby bell cheese, sliced cheese, shredded cheese, grated parmesan cheese, basically if the word cheese is in the name they will eat it.  The toddler especially.  He is an addict.  He even got cheese as birthday presents. 

Here's a picture of one of the cheese monsters. 

We enjoyed some sunshine this afternoon after the cheese feast. 
In our back yard is buried a baby squirrel that we tried so hard to save and keep alive.  Our daughter fell in love fast with this baby and when it died she insisted we bury it.  She picked a nice spot under her favorite, and our only, tree in the yard.  While outside today she wanted to go and prey over the squirrel.  I thought it was a sweet gesture.  She went out to the tree and mumbled some short, more than likely sweet and adorable, prayer but because of the toddler I had to miss the whole thing.

We ended the night with a dinner of customized meals, a.k.a. Mommy didn't to cook tonight, and a trip to the park to watch Daddy fly his remote control airplane.   I enjoyed laying in the freshly cut grass watching my babies play and have fun. 

All in all today was a really good day. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Episode Two: Wipe Yo Self!

Today there were no crazy toddler mischief.  He was adorable and sweet.  There were tons of shared kisses and "wuvvvvv yewwwww mommy!"  I cherish days like today because I know they are limited.  I know one day he will grow up and no longer love me the way he does now.  It will get replaced by teen angst and independence as he grows older.  It's a sad fact that each mother must learn to accept. 

Today, however, did include a doctor's visit for our six year old. 

She has A.D.H.D. and boy is that a whole different level of parenting.  Each parent handles it differently and sometimes I don't do such a good job.  She can't keep thoughts in line, blurts out randomness constantly, and has a hard time focusing, just like most people with A.D.H.D.  She is probably the smartest child we have out of the three and trust me I am one proud mommy.  Despite going un-medicated for a while at the end of her kindergarten year and only being on medicine since she was five she has learned so much and excels at her school work.  She was even able to test higher than the majority of her class while being un-medicated!  Talk about super huge success there!

Anyway, today she had an appointment for us to talk with her doctor about trying a different type of medication than she has previously been on.  Daddy wanted her to not be on any type of medication so bad and because of him we went without it all summer and for the first two weeks of school.  But sadly she is disrupting her class with her constant fidgeting and verbal diarrhea, so for the sake of her classmates we decided medication will be the best option for her for the time being. 

I, also, wanted to make sure she had no type of urinary tract infection or yeast infection because for some reason she was constantly using the bathroom.  I'm talk every 20-30 minutes, if even that long, she would need a bathroom break.  Every single place we went to, even if she has been many many many times before and used the bathroom there before, she had to go.  I figured she was just wanting to go check the bathroom out to make sure she wasn't missing anything but then again you can never be too sure and I needed professional confirmation.  Well, my gut feeling was right.   She was just checking things out after all.  No infection. 

We did have to have the wipe talk.

Whats the wipe talk you ask?  Or if you're a parent you probably don't need to ask and already know.  Well, the wipe talk is where you explain the importance of wiping and wiping properly.  I never thought growing up that poop and pee would be such a huge part of my life!  The doctor informed her to always wipe front to back to prevent any type of contamination of nasty poo into her lady parts.   All the poop and pee talk defiantly had our little girl interested and entertained. 

I never imagined my first grader having an hour worth of homework in the third week of school... But there it was sitting on my dining room table.  We had to go through all of her vocabulary words, sight words, see how many words she could read in a minute, and then do one of three activities she has to complete by Friday.  Today's activity was to write her vocabulary words in alphabetical order.  Please explain to me how is my six year old to write something in alphabetical order if she has no idea how to do that in the first place?  It took forever to explain in to her because how the heck am I qualified to teach her something like that?  It was difficult but I think she got the jist.  I, also, had her write her words five times each to ensure she knew how to spell them.  And she did.  She knew before we even started tonight's work. 

She's now sound a sleep.  Not that she was happy about having to go to bed!  Tomorrow, though, she will be up and excited to spend another day at school where she has friends and gets to learn and be away from her brother. 

As I sit here typing this I see the toddler starting to stir, he's been asleep in a chair for about forty-five minutes or so.  He falls off the chair gracefully catching himself and stumbled over to his Daddy.  Then he lays on the floor, where our kitten cuddles up to him.  They sleep for about two minutes and then I guess he realizes he is on the floor.  So now he is cuddled on my arm fast asleep and sweaty.  This guys is what its all about.  This is what makes being a parent worth it.  The little things like cuddles and sweaty heads laying on our arms. 

*If you think your child may have A.D.H.D. or A.D.D. please visit your health care provider and discuss your concerns.  Your mommy gut feelings are worth the visit!  You can also check here to learn more about A.D.H.D.* 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Episode One: Coffee

Coffee.  It's a word that most of us mothers know so well.  I know I can't make it through a day without at least one cup.  I become a mombie without some form caffeine be it a cup of coffee or an energy drink.  

Today's cup was just like any other normal cup.  I put the k cup in the machine like normal, poured an unneeded amount of creamer into it, and took it back to the sofa to enjoy while the toddler watched his cartoons and ate his breakfast.  That's where the brief ten minutes or so that I get to enjoy something ended and the battle of the cup began.  With a ninja like quickness he was grabbing a hold of my cup screaming "copy copy copy!"  trying to get it away from me.  He did not understand that this is Mommy's fuel, the only way she can carry on the tasks she needs to complete before having to sit for an hour in the car rider line.  We struggled for a bit and after prying his death gripped fingers off of my cup I won!  I got it away from him!  Without spilling a drop!  I took it as my chance to chug what was left and handed him the empty mug.  He was not happy.  Not at all.  His sobs for "copy" continued so I did what any mother who needed just a bit of peace before the caffeine did its job and made him his own concoction of "copy."  He got my mug with chocolate milk and a splash of creamer for that added coffee like effect.  

Fast forward to after lunch.  I got him settled down with his cars and his cartoons and snuck off to apply the days face.  Makeup,  like coffee, is my tiny amount of me time.  Things were just a tad bit too quiet so I hollard from the bedroom to see what he was doing.  I got no reply in return.  Quietness is not taken lightly in our house hold so I got up to see what he may be in to.  Yep, coffee again.  He had gotten the used k cup out of the trash, some how opened it, and was enjoying eating the grounds.  He was covered in a chunky nasty like film.  The hallway had a slight dusting of coffee grounds and in the kitchen was a pile where I suspect the initial tasting began.   I cleaned him and the house up and things returned to normal.  

Not all things are crazy and annoying like fighting for coffee or getting in to trash.  Most are incredibly adorable.  Like today as he was playing with a balloon.  He was throwing the balloon up and catching it having a blast when he abruptly stopped, took the balloon to his little potty, which is in the living room for potty training purposes, and puts the balloon on the potty and says "good pee pee good!"  He, also, went to making pee noises.  As soon as balloon was done with its business they were off to playing again.  

Things carried on pretty normal for the rest of the day.  We picked sister up from school, came home, watched T.V., they played and argued like normal, we picked Daddy up from work, had dinner, and went to Wal-Mart.  Even after returning home things seemed to be pretty normal.  Sister went to bed, after some protest of course, and that left toddler, Daddy, and I to relax and settle down from today's coffee consumption.

Apparently toddler knows where I keep our melatonin.  I keep it up high in a cabinet but that appears to be not a good enough hiding spot.  So needless to say I have one passed out toddler right now.  Don't worry tho, he only ate about 10mg if that, and according to my mother-in-law and google he will just sleep really good tonight.  

Well, that was today's trip in to our crazy adventures.  Check back for more because in our household there's always something going on!  

The Prologue

As I travel through this world it is my job to direct and influence the lives of these three blossoming children.  I'm suppose to teach them how to be loyal, God bearing, respectful, independent, caring human beings.  It is up to me and their Daddy to make sure they are the best they can be. 

With that being said, there's some funny things that go on in and around our household.  Sometimes things are disgusting, toddlers are shameless creatures.  Sometimes things get emotional and trying.  

This is my tales, through my eyes, of the life we live.