Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Episode Three: Attack of the water bug!

Today, even tho its only 4:33pm (I actually finished this entry around 7:45pm though), has been one of the craziest so far this week... And its only Wednesday! 

It all starts in our bed around 1am.  I had just dozed off when the kitten jumps on our bed using my arm and her own personal pull up bar.  I had been asleep for maybe five minutes or so when I felt something on my arm.  It felt sort of like a cats whiskers rubbing against me so I went to push her away without opening my eyes.  Well to my surprise there was no cat, just me swatting at thin air.  But the feeling was still there!  I imitatively started freaking out and brushing off whatever was causing the feeling all without opening my eyes.  There had been a huge water bug on our wall earlier before bed that despite my efforts got away so I figured that was what it was and went back to sleep.  About ten minutes go by when all of a sudden Daddy jumps out of bed making gagging noises.  When he returned to our room I was fully awake.  I asked what had happened and this was the conversation:

Me: What is going on?!?!
Daddy: I can still taste it!!!!
Me: What?!?! What do you taste?
Daddy:  I chewed on it, I thought it was dip.  It was a roach!  I chewed a roach!
Me:  Yeah that water bug got me too a little bit ago!
Daddy: I can still taste it!
Me: What did it taste like?
Daddy: Not bad, like dirt.  I chewed it for a while.  I thought it was dip.  It crawled out of my mouth and all over my face! That's what woke me up.
Me: Laughing histarically.
Daddy: Bugs beware I will chew you up for a while!

He goes on to making spit noises and pretending to spit it out of his mouth even tho it was no longer there and gagging.  Oh and the bug was still alive even after he chewed it up.  He spit it on to the floor as he jumped out of bed so he got to chase it down and flush his mouth intruder. 

This morning I had errands to run.  So after dropping off our six year old at school and Daddy off at work the toddler and I return home so I can take a shower and get ready to be seen in public.  I remember a time where showers were done solo and warmly.  I haven't had a nice solo shower without any interruptions in what seems like forever.  Today's shower included a toddler climbing in, taking my body wash and squirting it all over the shower floor, him slipping on the soap, crying, then insisting on poking my butt and thighs, and because he was previously breastfed until he was twenty three months old he is boobie obsessed and tried his damnedest to nurse again but failed! 
After the shower we went to his favorite place, Wal-Mart.  He decided that me being at the money center counter paying a bill was the perfect time to wiggle out of my death grip and dart off to the candy and grab a bag of "fish."  Swedish fish are his absolute favorite candy.   Other than that though the trip was a breeze, as well as our Target trip. 

A return home and some straightening up of the house and some lunch was all it took to exhaust him.  Before I knew it he was passed out on the living room floor.  He even stayed asleep for me to move him into the car, pick up his sister, and finally woke up when we got back home. 

This afternoon I had a visit from the cheese monsters!  They were friendly and showered me in kisses and filled the room with giggles.  These monsters wear baby bell netted bags as hats and cram their mouths full of whatever type of cheese they can find.  At some point of their visit the smallest one had two baby bell cheeses in his mouth. 
My kids LOVEEEEEEEEE cheese.  String cheese, baby bell cheese, sliced cheese, shredded cheese, grated parmesan cheese, basically if the word cheese is in the name they will eat it.  The toddler especially.  He is an addict.  He even got cheese as birthday presents. 

Here's a picture of one of the cheese monsters. 

We enjoyed some sunshine this afternoon after the cheese feast. 
In our back yard is buried a baby squirrel that we tried so hard to save and keep alive.  Our daughter fell in love fast with this baby and when it died she insisted we bury it.  She picked a nice spot under her favorite, and our only, tree in the yard.  While outside today she wanted to go and prey over the squirrel.  I thought it was a sweet gesture.  She went out to the tree and mumbled some short, more than likely sweet and adorable, prayer but because of the toddler I had to miss the whole thing.

We ended the night with a dinner of customized meals, a.k.a. Mommy didn't to cook tonight, and a trip to the park to watch Daddy fly his remote control airplane.   I enjoyed laying in the freshly cut grass watching my babies play and have fun. 

All in all today was a really good day. 

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