Sunday, August 21, 2016

Questions answered by a six year old.

I found this questionnaire thing off of Pinterest.  If you want to do this too here is the link to where I got it.  So I sat down with our six year old, Khloe, and had her give me her answers.  

Here it is:  

  1. What do you think is in outer space? Stars and planets.
  2. Where is the most wonderful place you've ever been? Uh, Florida.
  3. What are you good at? I am good at... doing art!
  4. What's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? Uh... mmm... I love you all my heart.
  5. What are you most proud of? I'm most proud of getting an art award.
  6. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Uh... skip school.
  7. What is the worst smell in the world? Dead deer and trash.
  8. What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist and a makeup artist and a fashionista.
  9. What makes you cry? Getting a spanking and someone hurting my feelings.
  10. Where do babies come from? Uhhhh.... private spot... hooha.
  11. Where there dinosaurs on Noah's ark? Uh. Yes. There is dinosaurs everywhere.
  12. What are you scared of? I am scared of scary movies and tornado's and water tornado's.
  13. If you could, what two animals would you combine? An owl and a cheetah.
  14. Who is your hero? My mommy.
  15. What is your favorite song? Don't wake me up.
  16. What is a friend?  A friend is someone who treats you nice and cares about you.
  17. What is your favorite memory?  Going to Florida.
  18. If you could, what type of animal would you be?  Cheetah because I like to run.
  19. Who is your best friend?  Camble and Emma.
  20. What is your favorite thing to do with family?  To go out and spend time at the beach.
  21. What is the most important rule? No killing people.
  22. If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?  Clothes, food, toys, gas, saving peoples lives and giving them food.
  23. Why do people get old?  Because they need to die.
  24. What is love?  Caring about people.
  25.   If you could live n a house shaped like anything, what would it be? A heart.
  26. If your pet could talk what would it say?  "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
  27. If you had super powers, what would they be?  Running fast and scratching and being cat girl.
  28. What's the best thing about being a kid?  Getting toys, bossing my toys around, and going swimming.
  29. Why do people have different color skin?  Because if everybody had the same skin nobody would be different at all.
  30. Who is someone in history you'd like to be friends with and why?  Jesus because he made us and he loves us and he cares about us.
  31. What makes you happy when you're sad?  Singing a good song.
  32. Do you have a lucky number?  What is it?  150,000.
  33. If you could be president for the day, what would you do?  Tell everybody to sleep in!
  34. What is something you don't understand about grownups?  Why they yell all the time and tell me all food is spicy. 
  35. What is the greatest thing ever invented?  Motorcycles!
  36. Have you ever played a joke on someone?  What was it?  Yes! Uh I don't know, did I ever do a joke one somebody?  I think I did a joke on my friend before like I had Justin Beiber logos but after school I told her I didn't. 
  37. What do you think is the most important appliance or piece of furniture in your house is?  Refrigerator.
  38. What is your favorite word?  Why?  I don't have a word.
  39. If you had your own country, what would it be called?  Um. Cheetah world.
  40. What do you dream about when you sleep?  Tornado's.
  41. If you were in a band, what instrument would you play?  The guitarrrrrr.
  42. What's something you'd like to learn how to do?  Doing back flips and being good.
  43. If you had to give away all of your toys but one, which would you keep?  None of them.
  44. What do you think Heaven is like?  Being good, no weapons, everybody loving us.
  45. What is something that you're thankful for?  For giving me life.
  46. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do?  Back flips.
  47. Do you think that telling the truth is always right? Even if it hurts someone's feelings?  Yes, you have to tell the truth.
  48. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?  Telling me what to do.
  49. Whats the greatest thing about being you?  Picking out my own clothes and doing art.
  50. What are 3 words you would use to describe your family?  Loving, caring, and crazy. 
After dong this with her I realized just how much she loves Jesus and how sweet she is.  I've always known she is sweet but holy cow her answers melted my heart.  

When our oldest, Emma, comes to visit next month I'll make sure to sit down with her and get her answers as well.  

I hope y'all are all having a great weekend!

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